
Went to church for 'No Apologies'
Well,it's a great workshop for kids like 13 14 years old?
I'm just too old for these I guess.Got it all in my mind.
(definitely not praising myself)
Talked 'bout life,love and sex.

What's more important is, I made a promise to myself and
I'm not going to have premarital sex. *big smiles*
Gonna save my
virginity 'till the day of my marriage.
It's just simply awesome to have your first sex with your wife on the day of your wedding.

Don't you think so??

Well, my future wife is gonna be sooooo lucky.
And that's definitely a great gift to her.
But,at the same time.I apologize for
those who wants to have sex with me.

I'm just simply not available to do that.XD
To be honest,I didn't think of, you know,
gettin' laid before or after marriage.

I do,but just in a sense that
ahh...I know..have sex only when you're married right?...'

But, after today I just make it something serious that I'd care.
And of course.That's a reason for me not to get into STD!
So you STD-PEOPLE just get away from miehh

Ok,besides of keeping myself a virgin,
I think I wanna get married earlier than I planned.
Not because to have sex of course. =.=
I might get a rich, hot and lovely wife!
Then I can just stay at home and be an awesome house-husband?!

Hahaha..well,it's just weird I guess.
'Cause mostly all the MEN would
have big big ambitious dream and stuff?
It's not that I don't have dreams
(kahwin pelempuan kaya!)
Just maybe not as ambitious as other guys do.

Alright,apart of that wonderful dream.Back to the reality.
Gotta delay my MAS air-steward job.
As you probably already know,that I got into
the MLM-company and stuff.
So,that's partially a job for me.
Wish to get back to work in my previous job.The one in d'sara.
(Uncle Peter.Hire aku balik!!)
Then,I can get more income for these few upcoming months.*drools*
Plans still up a head :)

Byez,tc,gbu.nitez.chunted!(== what else does he use?)

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